Sandbach & District Caledonian Society

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Tuesday 1st October President's and Invitation Evening
7:30pm - 11:30pm, Town Hall Sandbach CW11 1AX
Dancing to John Browne on the accordion,
Buffet Supper

Tickets By Invitation only

Friday 29th NovemberSt Andrew's Dinner Dance
6:45 pm  for 7:15 pm - 11:30 pm, Smallwood Village Hall, CW11 2RU
Tickets £tbc from Rosemary Baxter email or 01477535315

Soup or Melon
Haggis, Tatties & Neeps (Vegetarian & Gluten Free Options Available)
Apple Pie & Custard, Raspberry Pavlova or Fruit Salad

Tuesday 31st December Hogmanay
8 pm - Midnight  Literary Institute, Sandbach, CW11 1AE
There is no charge for this event but each person is asked to bring
a contribution for the supper table & a wrapped raffle prize
If you wish to attend please contact Rosemary Baxter on 01477 535315 or email


Friday 11th April Highland Ball
7:30pm - 11:30pm, Town Hall Sandbach CW11 1AX
Dancing to Ian Muir on the accordion,
Cold Meat Buffet & Sweets

Tickets £tbc from Rosemary Baxter
email  or phone 01477 535315

Tuesday 29th April AGM
7:30pm, Literary Institute, Sandbach, CW11 1AE

Updated by RPB 02/07/2024